ChampagneSwap Vampire Attack Announcement — On PancakeSwap

5 min readApr 7, 2022

Vampire Attack on PancakeSwap by ChampagneSwap!

Liquidity is the fuel that powers DeFi. As with most DeFi protocols, liquidity all that matters and the same goes for ChampagneSwap–especially at launch. The platform is thirsty for some fresh liquidity to power up and take Champagne to the next level. We are launching today and the first attack is on PancakeSwap to bring liquidity into ChampagneSwap.

Here is an article on our $CHAM pricing predictions 👉 Click to read
Learn more about the Champagne Protocol 👉 Click to read

One Click Liquidity migration:
We made it simple with our ChampagneRoll contract that enables anyone in one click to Migrate their Liquidity from PancakeSwap to ChampagneSwap and reap Champagne Coins that will go up in value fast, while haven’t moved up for a long time! 👉 Click here to migrate your liquidity

A growing outcome for liquidity providers! Champagne will increase in price, while Cake is static. We have created a set of Farms where you can stake Cham with high rewards after you add liquidity! These are the Farms having higher token issuing per block 400 instead of 40 the first 7 days!

CHAM-BNB 20X multiplier

BNB-BUSD 5X Multiplier

ETH-BNB 5X Multiplier

CAKE-BNB 10X Multiplier

USDT-BNB 5X Multiplier

USDT-BUSD 5X Multiplier

USDC-BUSD 5X Multiplier

BTCB-BNB 5X Multiplier

CHAM-BUSD 20X Multiplier

BTCB-BUSD 5X Multiplier

BCB-ETH 5X Multiplier

Why Champagne?
ChampagneSwap has a goal to use some of the proceeds in tokens to finance the purchase for the protocol of a champagne house in Champagne and create the first DeFi/Crypto Champagne brand where Cham tokens are used to purchase. Using NFT art for the bottles and limited editions people will fight for as investments.

Yes we will need a designer for the bottle but you get the idea 🍾🍾🍾🍾

Why are we doing this?

Our motivation for a vampire attack is twofold:

First, initial liquidity bootstrapping of the protocol. As mentioned above, the Champagne platform only works with active users who bring liquidity to the platform from Day 1. This liquidity will help to further grow and develop Champagne protocol into the leading DeFi ecosystem that also will sell real Champagne and the first of its kind in the DeFi and Crypto world in Limited Editions.

Secondly, we want to show the community the tech capabilities of Champagne how you can migrate in one click your liquidity and stake Champagne with Auto Cham and earn Champagne coins quickly that will increase fast.

We will incentives the farms for rewards for the first 7 days to anyone who migrates liquidity to ChampagneSwap and the rewards in Cham coins are going to be up to 400 per block. You can see the initial farms here and as people are migrating liquidity and creating other pairs we will enable more farms! ->

How will the vampire attack work?

You will be able to access the liquidity migration event through ChampagneSwap.

Eating liquidity

Remember, there is a limited duration to the migration event — it will run only for 7 days!

Got it, so what do I need to do?

  1. When the vampire attack starts, go to the ChampagneSwap. Please ensure you use only official ChampagneSwap channels, which is where the link is shared.
  2. Connect your Web3 wallet.
  3. Go to one migration on ChampagneSwap or add new liquidity pairs.
  4. Go to Farms and enable your farm to start staking Cham coins and boom, you’re done!
  5. Early next year our goal is to offer the first real Crypto/DeFi champagne which can only be purchased with CHAM.
  6. We are looking to bring DeFi to 1 Billlion people enable them access to financial services and going Cross-Chain (you heard it yes we are heading there during this year).

What’s in it for me?

Champagne is very appreciative of its community and will make sure all early supporters will benefit from bootstrapping their liquidity to kick-start the Champagne platform. And so Champagne platform has three incentivization methods:

Native Token
Champagne wishes to have a thriving community and is incentivizing participants of the vampire attack with its native token. Distribution will occur after the migration has been completed.

Why PancakeSwap?

Pancake is the largest BSC AMM at the moment and Cake has not moved anywhere near returning profits for its users, on the contrary Cake holders has lost money. We believe it is time to offer returns that are far greater and reward the DeFi users with a higher earning potential.

When does it go live?

Today, in fact RIGHT NOW.

Please join our Discord and Telegram to engage with our community and keep an eye on our Twitter to find out more!

Welcome to ChampagneSwap — DeFi Trading Redefined with a twist of Champagne.

This article is neither an offer of nor marketing material for financial instruments or financial services. ChampagneSwap is not regulated under any financial market laws in any jurisdiction. It is only the developer and provider of the ChampagneSwap platform and protocol. Due to its decentralized nature, the ChampagneSwap platform and protocol are neither controlled nor operated by ChampagneSwap. ChampagneSwap is neither providing financial services nor offering financial instruments. Any liability is excluded to the extent permitted by applicable law.



ChampagneSwap 🍾 — A community-led cryptocurrency decentralized exchange.