Introducing ChampagneSwap, the DeFi Protocol for Binance Smart Chain that brings DeFi to billions of people!

5 min readApr 7, 2022


📈 Why ChampagneSwap?

ChampagneSwap is not just another DeFi platform but it is a rocketship that is aiming to become the standard for DeFi on the Binance Smart Chain and later go MultiChain to ETH, Polygon, Solana, Polkadot. We want to bring DeFi to the one Billion people with internet access and who lack traditional.

💧 Liquidity Provider Incentives

Of course, one of the natural questions that many may have is: “Why would someone want to provide liquidity to ChampagneSwap, as opposed to PancakeSwap?”.

With PancakeSwap, liquidity providers earn fees on a token called $Cake and that has performed badly for the past 10 months from $44 USD per cake to $6 USD per Cake today. This means every Cake holder has lost significant sums of money, instead of making passive income. With $CHAM you get in early make $Cham tokens today and join the ride up and not down like with $Cake.

So in other words you have a huge potential upside in migrating your liquidity to ChampagneSwap from Pancakeswap and it can be done in one click with our Vampire Protocol called ChampagneRoll.

👨‍🌾 Token Distribution

We are aware that many of you are existing liquidity providers in PancakeSwap farms. With that, we have designed the token distribution mechanics to make it as easy as possible for the existing PancakeSwap liquidity providers to start migrating to our protocol done with one click!

To start providing liquidity and earning CHAM tokens, anyone holding Cake LP tokens can stake those LP tokens into the corresponding initial list of farms. Once done, they will start earning tokens once rewards. The list of eligible LP tokens can be added per on-chain governance. So it’s every one of us who decides.

At every block, 40 CHAM tokens will be created. These tokens will be equally distributed to the stackers of each of the supported farms.

However, For the first 100000 blocks (~2 weeks), the amount of CHAM tokens produced will be 10x, resulting in 400 CHAM tokens being minted per block. This is to incentivize early farmers and adopters of the protocol and to help in The Liquidity Migration™️.

The initial set of available farms:

  • CHAM-BNB 20X multiplier
  • BNB-BUSD 5X Multiplier
  • ETH-BNB 5X Multiplier
  • CAKE-BNB 10X Multiplier
  • USDT-BNB 5X Multiplier
  • USDT-BUSD 5X Multiplier
  • USDC-BUSD 5X Multiplier
  • BTCB-BNB 5X Multiplier
  • CHAM-BUSD 20X Multiplier
  • BTCB-BUSD 5X Multiplier
  • BCB-ETH 5X Multiplier

If you migrate another pair with minimum liquidity of 500 BUSD in value, our team will create the matching farm with the higher early adopter reward rates within 24 hours, so if you are a Liquidity provider of another pair migrate them now click here.

The CHAM/BNB pool gets twice the amount, so be sure to supply your CHAM to ChampagneSwap to become eligible for extra yumminess 😋. Once the CHAM is live, the community can vote to add more eligible pools, or change the CHAM weight of any pool. You guys decide through the voting system!

💸 Reward Distribution

ChampagneSwap forwards 0.17% directly to the active liquidity providers, while the remaining 0.03% gets converted back to CHAM (obviously through ChampagneSwap) and to operate the development team and 0.05% gets burned to maintain a deflationary coin price 📈. Keep in mind CHAM is priced low and that creates a major opportunity to participate in Farms and HODL.

🎨 How can i participate or learn more?

🧠 Learn More: Read on to learn about how we got here, the present and future of ChampagneSwap, and how to start lending on the protocol to earn CHAM. For a summary, watch a video walkthrough of ChampagneSwap here.

💰 Use ChampagneSwap: Start lending, voting, and staking on the ChampagneSwap app now. Watch out for how-to guides for each major protocol activity on YouTube.

🤝 ChampagneSwap Community: Discuss ChampagneSwap & CHAM by joining our Discord or Telegram. Get the latest news on Twitter by following @ChampagneDefi.

💰 Earn CHAM: Stake and Farm CHAM by providing liquidity to ChampagneSwap today.

📈 Trade CHAM: Cham tokens will go for sales later, first you need to provide Liquidity to join the Farms to earn CHAM to stake in Pools. We will get listed soon on Binance, FTX,, Kraken, and other markets we started the applications and will share updates in Discord.

💻 Smart Contracts (Binance Smart Chain):

🍾 Champagne Token: 0x4957c1c073557BFf33C01A7cA1436D0d2409d439
👨🏻‍🍳 Masterchef: 0x15C17442eb2Cd3a56139e877ec7784b2dbD97270
🥂 CristalBar: 0x75391eD79c5eE544A31DC75d5ec5a5d221Eb8017
🏭 ChampagneFactory: 0xb31A337f1C3ee7fA2b2B83c6F8ee0CA643D807a0
🚚 Migrator: 0x390dCe2CAe9565e63179491D3978031f2D8318a9
🧭 ChampagneRouter: 0x911d4a750b963c61f29549cbf17e2c10fcd10867
👨‍🍳 Souchef: 0x8Ada0FB32AEF6caB1A90990674Ee21512550d90B
+ Plus more

🚀 Our Mission?

ChampagneSwap is going to be the market leader in DeFi and will push the options for innovation. Our team has a background in Goldman Sachs & Coinbase and knows the markets, smart contracts, and much more. We are going to innovate financial options on the Blockchains and bring yields to the masses. We issued a Champagne Fund early on, the distributions are saved to purchase a smaller Champagne Castle 12–18 Months from now to establish a Champagne Brand using NFT designs in unique limited edition (real bottles with NFT limited edition art on them). Bottles will go for sale in $CHAM tokens once that happens. This will enter into the development fund as another avenue to fund the team and provide better terms for Liquidity providers and CHAM holders in the long run. And who doesn’t like the world’s first Crypto Champagne with limited cool NFT labels?

(Conceptual idea, nothing branded yet)

🏁 How You Can Participate

You can start depositing LP tokens to the MasterChef contract using the interface at

💬 Join Us!

This article is neither an offer of nor marketing material for financial instruments or financial services. ChampagneSwap is not regulated under any financial market laws in any jurisdiction. It is only the developer and provider of the ChampagneSwap platform and protocol. Due to its decentralized nature, the ChampagneSwap platform and protocol are neither controlled nor operated by ChampagneSwap. ChampagneSwap is neither providing financial services nor offering financial instruments. Any liability is excluded to the extent permitted by applicable law.



ChampagneSwap 🍾 — A community-led cryptocurrency decentralized exchange.